Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.
; GSD-Datei fuer PROFIBUS-DP Koppler/SPC3
; Hersteller: Beckhoff Automation GmbH
; Eiserstr. 5
; 33415 Verl
; Tel.: +49(0)5246/963-0
; Best.-Nr.: BK3520
; Stand : 22.01.09
;----------------------- TwinCAT ----------------------
Tc_KBus_supp = 1 ; Buskoppler
Tc_Plc_supp = 0 ; Bus-Controller
Tc_Firmware_Flashable = 1 ;
Tc_ComplexTerminals = 1 ;
Tc_Comment = "Buskoppler, 12MBaud, LWL" ;
Tc_VendorBitmapFile = "Beckhoff.bmp"
;------------------------- DP -------------------------
;------------------ PrmText-Definitionen --------------
PrmText = 1
Text(0) = "ist nicht aktiv"
Text(1) = "ist aktiv"
PrmText = 6
Text(0) = "manueller Reset"
Text(1) = "automatischer Reset"
PrmText = 8
Text(0) = "in Prozessabbild"
Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.