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GSD package contents: softb205.gsd


Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.
; GSD-File for Softing DP-Slave PROFIboard (ISA, PCI) / PROFI104
; Date    : 30-March-2000
; Revision: V1.2
; This GSD-File is supplied with Softings DP-Slave (DPS).
; It represents a generic DP-Slave which should be suitable for most of 
; the applications. It is not allowed to modify this file.
; ATTENTION: Any changes to this GSD-file will invalidate the certification
;            of the DP-Slave!
;            However, you can create your own GSD-File if you have applied 
;            for your own PNO Ident_Number. In that case use this file
;            as template and make your necessary changes in the copy.
;            Places where you can make your changes are marked with the
;            'CHANGE HERE' statement.
Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.